Social Concerns Commission Minutes October 2023
Social Concerns Commission Meeting
October 12, 2023
Present: Karen Pither, Glenda Heinrich, Gayle Pleus, Jan Metz, Dianne Richardson, Lusica Hankins, Sharon Kanuch, Katy Thorman, Joan Woods, Don Woods, Luis Campos , Rosa Campos , Patty McNally, Jackie Heigert, Bob Heigert
Opening prayer and reflection was read by Lusica Hankins provided by Theresa Brown.
All read the Commitment to Mission Prayer together.
Our Lady of the Lake Directory:
- The preliminary directory has been looked over by Father Penn and all is ready to be sent to St. Louis for first copy
- Editors will be needed when this returns
- Glenda, Joan, Jackie, Sharon, Jan and Gayle all volunteered to edit when the first copy is returned.
- The directory will be also available on-line and will be able to be updated within the My UCD App when new parishioners arrive
Salva Vida Outreach
- A family received $449 and another received $500
- A new form to vet the client asking for assistance has been updated and was shown to the Social Concerns members
- Gayle brought to the attention that the Elks help out with Veterans in need and the POC for this is Bill Morris
Funeral Dinners, Compassion and Kindness Meals
- Seven Kindness meals were distributed in September and 8 Kindness meals in October
- Glenda brought to the attention that the Senior Center by the Lutheran Church offers a “Meals on Wheels” type service for seniors Monday – Friday.
- Dee Bradford is from our parish and on the Board at this Senior Center and perhaps we could have her come and explain more about the Senior Center and all it offers at one of our meetings early in 2024.
Ministry of Health and Well Being
- Jan Metz stated that she has gone to visit and provided Holy Communion to one couple and also at the nursing homes
- Glenda stated that she visited and given Holy Communion to one couple
- Pregnancy Help Center – Lusica mentioned that they are in need of volunteers, especially on Thursdays.
Advent Tree 2023
- Patty McNally gave each member a sample of the bulletin announcement for the 5 and 12 November bulletins. It will also be on our website and facebook page
- Sharon Kanuch stated that volunteers have been at the Hope House taking names for the Advent Tree. There will be 150 names taken, so far there have been 135.
Ministry of Hospitality and Fellowship (Welcoming New Parishioners)
- Meet and Greet will be 21 October after the 5:00 p.m. mass.
- There are presently 40 people going to attend – 19 of which are from the different commissions and groups within our Parish.
- Jackie suggested that there has to be a better way than a name tag to designate who the people are that are representing the different commissions and groups
- It was suggested that Deacon Jim at the very beginning to mention the group and the representative to stand up.
- Rosa Campos stated that she still is waiting to hear from a few people and on Sunday and then will be have a total number.
Parish Engagement and Charity Event (PEACE) 16 September
- All who attended stated it was very informative
- Rosa Campos is working on trying to get it provided in Spanish
Prayer Leader next month – Patty McNally
Next Meeting will be 9 November at 6:00 p.m. at Fellowship Hall. We will be making the angels for the Advent Tree. All materials needed will be provided.
Closing Prayer was said by all
Respectfully Submitted,
Lusica Hankins