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Social Concerns Commission Minutes, Sept. 12, 2024

Social Concerns Commission Minutes

Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church, Lake Ozark, Missouri

Thursday, 12 Sep 2024

Attendees:  Lusica Hankins; Glenda Hinrichs; Stephanie Koch; Sharon Kanuch; Gayle Pleus; Louise Williams; Lusica Hankins; Dcn Jim Hankins

1. Opening Prayer and Reflection:  – Lusica Hankins provided a reflection with supporting and working together to assist others.

2. Commitment to Mission prayer  All pray together. 

3. Ministry to Families & Ministry to those In Need (Salva vida Outreach) – Dcn Jim indicated that we had two requests for support for rent assistance ($400) and one for electric assistance ($373).  Both were referred to Our Lady of the Lake by Compass Health.  Joan and Kelly did a great job engaging and verifying their requests. 

4. Blood Drive – 19 Sep 2024 in Bestgen Hall 1000 – 1400. We currently have 14 signed up.  Stephanie Koch and Joan Woods have volunteered to provide support and Jeanne Rackers has volunteered to ensure the AC is turned down on Wed, 18 Sep.   With that, understand that the Religious Education students will be using Bestgen Hall Wednesday evening, and we need to let Michelle Hagerty know not to turn the temperature up.  Also, Phil and John will be here Thursday morning and will have Bestgen Hall opened at 0830.  The Red Cross Team from Columbia arrives between 0830 -0900 to set up and will be out of building on/about 1500 (3pm) where we need to get Phil and/or John to lock up.

5. Social Concerns Commission Wall in Fellowship Hall – Jackie Hiegert is the Social Concerns Commission Point of Contact (POC) with the Welcome Center Refresh wall in Fellowship Hall.  The wall displays with be redone/updated with providing pertinent information within the Commission, such as our updated trifold, to include information for other organizations such as the Pregnancy Help Center and Hope House.

6. Queenship of Mary Novena (Wed 21 Aug) – We had a very large group participating with lots of great food, dessert and fellowship afterwards.  Thanks to all that provided support with reading and with providing food.

7. Church Marquis – Finance Council was briefed on 20 Aug on the three vendor bids where they will be discussing at their next meeting on Tuesday, 17 Sep.  Dcn Jim will provide any assistance/support later, if needed, to answer any questions/concerns.

8. Funeral Dinners, Compassion Meals & Kindness Meals: Lusica indicated that there were two families comprising six compassion meals.  Sixteen kindness meals were provided. 

9. Ministry of Health and Spiritual Well Being – Jan Metz, Diane Richardson, Glenda HinrichsJeannie FreemanJohn Akscin, Ann Wallace and Dcn Jim Hankins have been providing great support providing Holy Communion to the homebound.

10. Ministry for Protecting Life (Pregnancy Care Center) – Lusica Hankins provided a BabyBottle update support that includes four bottles that brings our bottle support to 77 with an updated total of $5,268.73.

11. Ministry to the Community/Advent Angel Tree 2024 – Patty McNally & Stephanie Koch.  Lusica indicated that she has all the names to provide support at the Hope House sign up for 30 September – 18 October or 150 names are attained (whichever comes first).  Stephanie stated that she was going to hole punch the angels and get them ready.  Patty McNally was unable to participate but indicated that she was updating the sign-up sheets for the Hope House, Ozark Rehab, Lake Side Meadows and Helping Hands.  It was decided to meet at 5pm on Thursday, 7 November, to assemble the Angels.

12. Ministry of Hospitality and Fellowship (Welcoming New Parishioners – Meet & Greet) Lusica indicated that this year’s Meet and Greet will be on Saturday, 5 Oct, starting at 6pm in Bestgen Hall. Lusica stated that there are 19 new families that were notified on Sunday, 8 Sepwith a suspense date of 23 Sep to respond.  Of those contacted we have four that are definite.  

13. Social Concerns Potluck – It was decided that Social Concerns would have a potluck on 9 January, starting at 5:30pm.  This will be a wrap-up indicating all the support that Social Concerns provided in Calendar Year 2024.  More to follow.

14. Virtus (safe environment) Training – Dcn Jim  (

15. Next Meeting Date:  Thursday, 7 November, 5pm, Fellowship Hall, to put Angels together.

16. Prayer Leader for 7 November – Stephanie Koch

17. Closing Pastoral Plan Prayer