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Social Concerns Commission Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church, Lake Ozark, MO October 8, 2020


  1. Attendees: Kerri Brauman, Jim Hankins, Theresa Brown, Stephanie Koch, David Gregg, Glenda Henrichs, Jan Metz, Lusica Hankins, Katie Thorman,Diane Richardson
    Guests:  Pat and Larry Buschjost, Joe Hanebrink, Christ the King Church, Lake Ozark, MO
  2. Opening Prayer: Led by Glenda Henrichs
  3. Commitment to Mission: Prayed by everyone in attendance3. Reflection: Glenda Henrichs presented a beautiful reflection. Do our hearts beat for the unborn, weak, elderly? Ask God to transform our hearts to see others as God sees us. 
  4. Advent Giving Tree: Pat and Larry Buschjost gave an update on what the giving tree would need to look like this year. The plan is to make larger tags and set them out on tables at each church entrance. The tree will be in the vestibule. The idea was mentioned to color code a chart and display it. Each color represents an age group. A ribbon would then be placed on the ornament so that people would not have to pick up the tags to read the description of whom is in need, they would know the age/gender by looking at the color of the ribbon referred by the chart. Hope House gets 110, Ozark Care 5, Helping Hands 5 and PSR 10 for a total of 130 ornaments. The ornaments will be displayed for pickup throughout the entrances/exits of the Church during, 14/15 and 21/22 November.  Wrapped presents need to be returned No Later Than (NLT) 6 December.  We will have information in the Church Bulletin, website and on Facebook page beginning 7 November.  Those that are unable to attend Mass can always contact the office with getting an ornament.
  5.  Stephen Ministries – Joe Hanebrink gave a presentation on Stephen Ministries. This ministry has been around since 1975. It is a non-profit based in St. Louis. It allows members to go through a training program that consists of a week of classes, a train the trainer program, on how to give people the skills to deal with life circumstances. For example: loss of a child, loss of a spouse, divorce, loss of a parent, financial struggles, isolation/loneliness. These Ministers assist the clergy by offering support to those members of the parish that are in-need and help build up the body of Christ. It is a big commitment as far as training for the leadership. However, it has been proven beneficial. Confidentiality and Trust are essential in this Ministry. Website:​
  6. Salvavida Outreach – We continue to provide support as needed and requested.  Was able to provide transportation to a gentleman who is unable to drive to Hope House.  Was also contacted by St. Patrick’s Church, Versailles, MO, with regards to a woman in need that is moving to Lake Ozark area.  Specific needs was for start-up rent.  Our Point of Contact (POC) information was provided for possible.  
  7. Develop an After-Action Report of Our Lady of the Lake Disaster Support and Response. Msgr.hopes to do the final run through on the post action report and call it done. He has received some good suggestions from other commissions when sent for review.  
  8. Update Parish Rosters:  Marilee Poulter will be going through the results of the calls and making database changes.
  9. Networking for employment support:  Kerri Brauman stated that we are striving to link up jobs available with workers in need.  Once we begin to interact and receive more information with regards to employment opportunities, we can either send directly to those we know of needing employment or list these opportunities on our parish website and/or Facebook page..  
  10. Spiritual: We continue to work on plans of outreach to our community.  One such area is through our Advent Giving Tree.  In doing this, we become a resource of information/services with not only fulfilling physical but also spiritual needs/support in our community.
  11. Funeral Dinners and Compassion Meals: We have not had any request for funeral dinners but continue to provide compassion meals.  Once an event is posted then those that are members can go on to and provide support.
  12. Membership:  David Gregg is our newest commission Welcome David! 
  13. Pregnancy Care Center:  Glenda Henrichs and Theresa Brown provided updates on the 5K Run held on October 3rd. Eighty (80) walkers/runners participated. The Center is having an open house on October 17th from 11:00am-2:00pm. They are providing hot dogs for lunch. Two (2) additional bottles were returned with a total of 35 returned and 15 still out. Total raised is : $1,013.77. 
  14. FYI Budget:  Deacon Jim indicated that our budget was approved and provided to everyone.  Specifically, we have $4,000 to Hope House, $1000/qtr; $4,800 for Charity support for those in need; and $8,000 in Church charity donations support.
  15. Race Relations/Equal Opportunity – Actionable Steps Assisting Catholics with reflecting and responding in Faith to racism. Dcn Jim reached out to John Doyle with Catholic Charities regarding a guest speaker to include Msgr providing information of a visiting priest from Nigeria who may be able to support.  Will continue to look for a guest speaker.
  16. Social Concerns’ Leadership in the Parish’s Pastoral Plan: We continue to support the Parish’s Pastoral Plan to support Our Lady of the Lake with being a source of charity within the community.  As such, we will move forward with providing needed/required support by developing an on-call list of Social Concerns Commission volunteers that will be able to meet those requesting assistance at the St. Teresa room.
  17.  Seven Key Ministries and coordinators:
    Ministry to Families – Deacon Jim and Lusica Hankinsb. 
    Ministry to the Poor – Deacon Jim and Lusica Hankinsc. 
    Ministry for Protecting Life – Glenda Hendrichs and Theresa Brown.
    Ministry to the Community – Stephanie Koche. 
    Ministry of Hospitality and Fellowship – Theresa Brown  
    Ministry to the Oppressed – Vacant.
    Ministry of Health and Well-Being – Jan Metz and Diane Richardson
  18. Next Meeting Date:  Our next committee meeting will be held on November 12, at 6pm via Zoom. Prayers and Reflection will be said by Stephanie Koch. 
  19. Closing Prayer: Prayer of Our Pastoral Plan was prayed by everyone in attendance.