Stewardship 2024
Welcome to Our Lady of the Lake 2024 Catholic Stewardship Renewal Welcome to Our Lady of the Lake 2024 Catholic Stewardship Renewal. In October, we join parishioners across our diocese to reaffirm and recommit to actively living out the Christian Stewardship Way of Life. Our 2024 Catholic Stewardship Renewal will be October 5 through October 27.
We are excited to announce that you have two simple ways to make your 2024 stewardship commitment:
- Paper form: Paper form: there is a simplified paper form available for you to complete and submit by dropping it in the offertory basket or dropping it by the parish office. These forms can be found in the pew pockets, at the entrances of church, or on the Welcome Wall in the fellowship area.
- Online form: Online form: There is a new online form that can be accessed using the QR codes on the new pew cards found in the pew pockets or by visiting our website Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church
As you purposefully and prayerfully consider your response to the 2024 Catholic Stewardship Renewal, we encourage you to continue to reflect on the four pillars of Stewardship: Hospitality, Prayer, Formation, and Service. These four pillars help us deepen our understanding of the spirituality of stewardship and what it means to be stewards of God’s gifts. Join us this week as we focus on Pillar #3: Formation: Talking about Stewardship — Formation