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Stewardship Council Minutes, Aug. 26, 2024

Stewardship Council MeetingMonday, August 26, 2024, 4:30 pm (* denotes absent)

Gay Ann Christy, Jay Bukalski, Linda Bukalski, *Brandy Hutzler, Vicki Irsik, Jennifer Otto, Susan Ziegler


1. Stewardship Partner Updates:

• Pastoral Council, Knights, and Ladies AuxiliaryGay Ann Christy

• Stewardship Council: Jay Bukalski

• Education: Linda Bukalski

• Social Concerns: Susan Ziegler

• Worship and Spirituality: Jennifer Otto

• Hispanic Community: Vicki Irsik

• Stewardship Communication: Brandy Hutzler

2. Ministry Matrix Next PageWaiting on final approval from Joan and Fr. Penn.

3. Council/Commission Pamphlets: Translations in progress.  

4. Welcome Center RefreshNew Wall will be created on Saturday, September 21.  

• ACTION: Jennifer Otto to advise the council members on the start time.  Every member is being asked to participate.  We will also use this day to start printing CSR materials (pamphlets, CSR forms, pew cards, and small group booklet) 

5. Stewardship CSR Pamphlet: Final updates and approval in process.

6. Small Group Study During CSR: Linda Bukalski will be coordinating. ACTION: Small Group Booklet was distributed.  Council members are asked to review and send ideas for the creation of a bulletin insert introducing small group activities.

7. Annual Welcome Dinner for New Parishioners: October 5; CSR Kick-off Weekend

8. Calendar of Events for CSR:

• Sept 21: Welcome Wall Refresh 

o Stewardship Council works all day to set up new wall.

• TBD – Small Group Kick Off and Introduction.

• Oct 5 -6: CSR Kick-off 

o Stewardship will speak with a brief introduction about this year’s commitment forms and online access. 5 minutes before every Mass.

o Homilies across the diocese will be related to Stewardship. 

▪ ACTION: Joan to work with Fr. Penn or Deacon Jim to see if they will be doing the same?

o Pew cards and CSR Commitment forms will be in the pews.

o Stewardship will be available at the end of each Mass to ensure pew information is organized and not a scattered mess.

o New Parishioner Welcome Dinner Oct 5 in Bestgen Hall.

• Oct 9: Youth Lay Witness Talk

o ACTION: Gay Ann to ask Luke Wolf to see if he would be willing to speak to the youth about ways they can be good stewards. 5 minutes before Mass.

• Oct 12-13: Adult Lay Witness Talk – 5 minutes before Mass

o 5:00 pm​Jay and Linda Bukalski (confirmed)

o 8:00 am ​Doug and Karen Blevins (confirmed)

o 10:00 am ​Tony and Jennifer Otto (confirmed)​

o 6:00 pm​?Lusica to speak to the Hispanic Mass (ACTION: Gay Ann to Confirm)

• October 19-20: CSR Reminder

o Stewardship will speak with a reminder of forms and online commitment access. 5 minutes before Mass.

• October 26-27: CSR Commitment Weekend


9. Set Next Meeting Date: Monday, Aug 23, 2024 at 4:30.

Closing Prayer