Stewardship Council Minutes, October 28, 2024
Stewardship Council Meeting: Monday, October 28, 2024, 4:30 pm
Gay Ann Christy, Jay Bukalski, Linda Bukalski, Brandy Hutzler, Jennifer Otto, Susan Ziegler
1. CSR Update and Steps to Final Closure: At time of meeting, we had 68 CSR forms returned. (Update: as of 10/29/24 we have received 77 forms). Stewardship members that have not completed a form, please do so.
2. Parish Council Update from Jay: Jay attended the October Pastoral Council meeting in Gay Ann’s absence. Key takeaways from the meeting include:
• We have completed our 2024 CSR, however, returned forms are always welcome.
• Two recommendations were made:
✓ Update the parish website to include STEWARDSHIP as part of the description for the buttons to volunteer and donate.
✓ Review the online form so there is more information about ministries so there is more connection between the paper form and online form.
• Gay Ann will work with Marilee to review these recommendations, update the website and online form to balance the recommendation with our goal of a simple online form. Much research has been done and a key attribute of successful online forms is to keep them simple. Gay Ann will advise the council when updates are available, the council will approve updates and Commission Chairs will be given an opportunity to provide additional feedback.
3. Phase 1 of Fellowship Hall renovations is complete. Deacon Jim suggested duplicate displays on each end of the wall to catch people entering through both doorways to Church from the Fellowship Hall. The council will continue to work on their vision of a “current events corner” with TV messages. We believe people will visit the current events corner once it becomes available.
4. Vicki Irsik resigned from the council. She was working on a display of short-term and/or immediate volunteer opportunities. This idea will be incorporated as part of the current events corner.
5. Deacon Jim asked about notifying participants that we are part of the Southwest Deanery (part of the program involves reviewing the pastoral plan for the parish’s deanery, which are printed in the back of the program booklet). Jay will discuss it with Linda B., who is in charge of the study.
• Beatitudes small group study has been extended so that more parishioners can participate. Bulletin announcement will be included in the November 2-3 bulletin
6. Fellowship Area Updates – Next Steps: Continue to work on the current events corner and fellowship hallway bulletin boards. Gay Ann will work with Joan and Deacon Jim to get approval for ideas to complete these two projects. Gay Ann will order sample tiles for the hallway.
7. 2025 Review of Roles and Responsibilities: Gay Ann’s Pastoral Council term is up in January 2025. Jay will become the new Stewardship Rep on the council after the January 2025 meeting. Throughout 2025 the council will begin work to fill the October positions of Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and visit Council Rep positions to see if any changes are desired.
Additional Discussions:
• Thank You Cards: We will be sending additional Thank You cards out to Thank those individuals that actively supported our 2024 CSR. Council members, please email Gay Ann by Monday, November 4 any names you have that should receive a Thank You Card.
• Set Next Meeting Date: small break for the holidays with small group meetings as required to keep our fellowship area updates moving. Next Formal Council Meeting will by Monday, January 27, 2025, at 4:30 pm.
Closing Prayer