Stewardship Council Minutes, June 24, 2024
Stewardship Council Meeting, Monday, June 24, 2024, 4:30 pm
Gay Ann Christy, Jay Bukalski, Linda Bukalski, Amy Fowler (absent), Brandy Hutzler, Vicki Irsik (absent), Jennifer Otto, Susan Ziegler
1. Stewardship Partner Updates:
• Pastoral Council, Knights, and Ladies Auxiliary: Gay Ann Christy
• Stewardship Council: Jay Bukalski
• Education: Linda Bukalski
• Social Concerns: Susan Ziegler
• Worship and Spirituality: Jennifer Otto
• Hispanic Community: Vicki Irsik
• Stewardship Communication: Brandy Hutzler and Amy Fowler
2. Ministry Matrix Next Page…… Two changes will be made: Mass Streaming will be added. Sacristan will be added.
3. Council/Commission Pamphlets: No open questions at this time. Reminder these are due back by July 12, in preparation for the Pastoral Council meeting July 25.
4. Welcome Center Refresh: Jennifer provided a vision board picture: ideas included lettering options, shadow box ideas, and suggestion box idea. We discussed that our goal will be to complete the existing updates to the Welcome Center Wall, Current Events Display with TV, and K of C and Ladies Auxiliary wall before our CSR in October. Updates to the bulletin boards in the fellowship hallway will be Phase 2, next on the refresh agenda.
• ACTION: J. Otto will bring an final recommendation for Welcome Wall and estimated cost to our July meeting.
• ACTION: G. Christy will bring an update on available wall material and progress on TV connection and availability to our July meeting.
• Stewardship CSR Pamphlet: Continued discussion on development of our Stewardship Pamphlet. ACTION: L. Bukalski will bring a first-pass Stewardship pamphlet example to our July meeting.
2. Small Group Study During CSR: We will have the third small group booklet option in July and a final decision will be made on how small groups will be orchestrated.
3. Annual Welcome Dinner for New Parishioners: Potentially set for October 5 after 5 pm mass.
4. Stewardship speakers for CSR: Discussions will continue at our July meeting.
5. Additional Discussion Topics As Required: Any additional topics to discuss?
6. Set Next Meeting Date: July 29, 4:30 pm, Fellowship Area.